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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
New believers around the world are growing to become effective followers and disciple makers of Jesus. Our teams are...
Pastors in Mexico are often under heavy pressure as they carry many responsibilities. They need to receive spiritual...
Bordered by the Mekong River to the north and east and by Cambodia to the southeast, Isaan is Thailand’s largest...
Will you help support the discipling of children and youth in Uganda?
The BC STM Bursary fund serves to assist young adult participants, interns, and apprentices who are looking to serve...
Together with the leadership of the RETO Pinar (MB) Church in Guadalajara, our global workers in Mexico are...
Would you help bring the hope of the Gospel to Myanmar?
Your donation to this project supports relief efforts through MB churches in Ukraine as well as their ongoing...
Motorcycles and scooters are a key means of transportation for evangelists who travel to remote locations to share...
Will you help a valuable ministry resource to be translated for use in Japan?
God has raised up a team of church planters, evangelists and interns to reach the Burmese.
Our partners in Panama have worked among the Wounaan and Embera peoples for several decades, yet every generation...